CrossFlowRx: Microrecovery: MOVE

CrossFlowRx: Microrecovery: MOVE

CrossFlowRx: Microrecovery: MOVE. 77 seconds. Dr. Darria shares how even extremely short bursts of movement have long lasting, and immediate, health benefits. Try this video with us (it's only 77 seconds!), and let us know how you feel in the comments below. Go on, recharge!

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CrossFlowRx: Microrecovery: MOVE
  • CrossFlowRx: Microrecovery: MOVE

    CrossFlowRx: Microrecovery: MOVE. 77 seconds. Dr. Darria shares how even extremely short bursts of movement have long lasting, and immediate, health benefits. Try this video with us (it's only 77 seconds!), and let us know how you feel in the comments below. Go on, recharge!