CrossFlowV: Advanced Flexibility Flow Quickie

CrossFlowV: Advanced Flexibility Flow Quickie

CrossFlowV: Advanced Flexibility Flow Quickie. 15 minutes. Looking to kick it up a notch in the flexibility department? This super quick flow will open you up with several advanced flexibility moves. As always: don't ever do anything that doesn't feel GOOD on your body in each moment. Tune in, take deep breaths, and ENJOY the openings!

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CrossFlowV: Advanced Flexibility Flow Quickie
  • CrossFlowV: Advanced Flexibility Flow

    CrossFlowV: Advanced Flexibility Flow. 15 minutes. Looking to kick it up a notch in the flexibility department? This super quick flow will open you up with several advanced flexibility moves. As always: don't ever do anything that doesn't feel GOOD on your body in each moment. Tune in, take d...