CrossFlowV: Balance, Concentration + Focus (Full Length)
CrossFlowV: Balance, Concentration and Focus Flow - Full Length. 38 minutes. This flow is a combination of standing poses, which require focus, and forward bends, which draw your attention inward. Find one point to rest your gaze on (called a "drishti) throughout the flow. As you focus your gaze, you focus your mind. When you close your eyes, try focusing on your "third eye" (above and in between your eyebrows) to keep you mind from wandering.
Don't forget: if you are having a fun balance day, have fun with your balance! Take the chance to laugh and have fun. Deep breaths, and TUNE IN!
A shorter version of this flow will also be uploaded.
CrossFlowV: Balance, Concentration and Focus Flow - Full Length
CrossFlowV: Balance, Concentration and Focus Flow - Full Length. 38 minutes. This flow is a combination of standing poses, which require focus, and forward bends, which draw your attention inward. Find one point to rest your gaze on (called a "drishti) throughout the flow. As you focus your gaze...