CrossFlowV: Beginner Strength Flow
CrossFlowV: Beginner Strength Flow. 30 minutes. Want to build strength, but don't know where to start? This flow is for YOU! Specifically, strengthen your upper body and core. The more you practice this flow, the stronger and more confident you will get. You will be onto CrossFlowX™ in no time at all! Don't forget to TUNE IN to your body, and only do what feels RIGHT in EACH MOMENT!
CrossFlowV: Beginner Strength Flow
CrossFlowV: Beginner Strength Flow. 30 minutes. Want to build strength, but don't know where to start? This flow is for YOU! Specifically, strengthen your upper body and core. The more you practice this flow, the stronger and more confident you will get. You will be onto CrossFlowX™ in no ti...