CrossFlowV: Step By Step King Dancer Flow
CrossFlowV: Step By Step King Dancer Flow
CrossFlowV: Step By Step King Dancer Flow. 51 minutes. King Dancer is a doozy, but you CAN do it! This pose requires balance, flexibility, and strength all at once; most importantly, it requires patience, time, and breath. When you are in this pose, your chest opens, your breath grows deeper, and you feel strong and stable with your foot rooting into the ground—it’s exhilarating! Take your time with this one: You have a whole lifetime (maybe more!) to get into it!
Before you think about making your way into king dancer, it is a great idea to make sure that your whole body is open, focusing especially on the hips, back, quadriceps, and shoulders. (I know, what’s left?!) So that is exactly what this flow aims to do. Grab a strap and your yoga blocks if you have them, and get ready to feel OM-mazing!!!